Eckla Gear Carts & Photographic Accessories
Designed and engineered in Germany with unparalleled craftsmanship, Eckla products have served outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds for over thirty years, beginning with the flagship Beach Rolly. Originally designed for carrying gear to the beach (and then converting to a handy beach chair), the Beach Rolly has since come into use by photographers, boaters, scuba divers, campers, tree surgeons and sport shooters to navigate uneven terrain while toting heavy gear.

As the Beach Rolly grew in popularity among outdoor photographers, Eckla developed a line of photographic accessories. Using their same outstanding craftsmanship, Eckla designed camera supports for photographers on the go. Eckla’s Eagle Car Mount equips photographers to shoot from within a vehicle. For increased mobility and low-level photography, Eckla created the Cam Disc Pod.
Eckla us
Eckla US is the United States distributor for Gear Carts and
Photographic Accessories from Eckla GmgH. Located in Louisville, KY, we stock a full line of Eckla products and parts. We value our retail partners highly. Please see our Dealer Listing page to purchase our gear.